研究方向: 教育经济与财政、学生资助、高等教育与区域发展、教育政策评估
主要学术成果 期刊论文 Zhu, Q., Choi, J., & Meng, Y. (2021). The impact of no-loan policies on student economic diversity at selective public universities. Research in Higher Education, 62(6), 733-764. Zhu, Q., & Zhang, L. (2021). Effects of a double major on post-baccalaureate outcomes. Education Finance and Policy,16(1), 146-169. Ford, K., Rosinger K., & Zhu, Q. (2021). Consolidation of class advantages in the wake of the great recession: University enrollments, educational opportunity and stratification. Research in Higher Education. DOI: 10.1007/s11162-021-09624-0 Ford, K., Rosinger, K., & Zhu, Q. (2020). What do we know about “Race Unknown”? Educational Researcher, 49(5), 376-381. 张良,朱琼,傅添. (2019). 双专业真的有用吗?来自美国社区调查2009-2014年的研究发现. 北京大学教育评论, 17(3), 45-68. 杨钋,朱琼. (2013). 初中生同伴关系的影响因素分析. 北京大学教育评论, 11(3), 99-117. 戚淑芳, 刘冰, 朱琼, & 王敬一. (2013). 新能源基础设施的持续性研究: 以太阳能应用系统为例. 公共管理评论, 14(1), 52-63.
政策评估报告 Strunk, K.O., Wright T., Kilbride, T., Zhu, Q., Cummings, A., West, J., Turner, M., & De Voto, C., (2021, March). Michigan’s Read by Grade Three Law: Year One Report. Education Policy Innovation Collaborative. https://epicedpolicy.org/rbg3-year-one-report/ Cummings, A., Kilbride, T., Turner, M., Zhu, Q., & Strunk, K.O., (2020, August). How did Michigan educators respond to the suspension of face-to-face instruction due to COVID-19? An analysis of educators’ responses to the 2020 EPIC COVID-19 survey. Education Policy Innovation Collaborative. https://epicedpolicy.org/how-did-michigan-educators-respond-to-the-suspension-of-face-to-face-instruction-due-to-covid-19/
学术专著 Ro, H. K., Meng, Y., & Zhu, Q. (2021). The geography of STEM opportunity in the United States: Using geographic analysis for gender equity research. In H. K. Ro, F. Fernandez, & B. House. (Eds.), The global pursuit of gender equity in STEM higher education: Unique but transferable successes for women in STEM. New York: Routledge.
学术会议发表 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, 2017/2019 Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Conference, 2016/2017/2018/2019 Association of Education Finance and Policy Annual Conference, 2017/2019/2021 Comparative and International Education Annual Conference, 2015/2018 中国经济学年会,2013
主要参与课题 2019/10~2021/9 Evaluating Michigan’s Early Literacy Law: Impacts, Implementation, and Improving State Capacity (Institute of Education Sciences, United States, ES R305H190004) 2019/10~2021/9 Evaluating Michigan’s Early Literacy Coaching Initiative (W.K. Kellogg Foundation, United States)
奖励与荣誉 2019 宾夕法尼州立大学Martorana Family Award 2018 北京大学“高校学生发展与就业”博士生论坛二等奖 2014~2016 宾夕法尼亚州立大学教育学院院长奖学金 2014 北京大学五四奖学金、北京大学教育学院硕士研究生优秀毕业论文 2013 联校教育社科医学研究论文奖计划教育学、心理学类二等奖 2012 北京大学达世行奖学金、北京大学经济学院财政学系本科生优秀毕业论文 2011 清华大学公共管理学院全国本科生暑期社会调查挑战赛二等奖 2011 北京大学校长基金、北京大学“挑战杯”三等奖